Keeping Your Seattle Home Clean

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Trouble Keeping Your Home Clean? These Tips Will Help

If you are having trouble keeping your home clean, don't start to panic yet. It can be difficult to keep the floors spotless and the furniture spot-free when you live a busy lifestyle, have kids, and pets. Maid Complete is your source for Seattle residential cleaning. We help to keep your home clean and you happy all year round.

Below, we want to share some tips with you to help you keep your home picked up throughout the week as a clean home minimizes stress and allows you to enjoy your family.

1. Wipe Out the Sinks

Once you are done using the sinks in your home, simply wipe them out with a clean cloth or a paper towel. By doing so, you will prevent the buildup of hard water stains, grime, and water spots.

2. Get the Kids Involved

If you do not want to run around the house picking up items every couple of seconds, have the kids pitch in. Hey - it's their toys after all.

To help you keep up with this, set a time for the kids to do some organizing of their own. For example, you could have the kids spend 15 minutes each night before dinner collecting their toys and putting them away. Simply do what will work for you, but always have your kids help, as it teaches them responsibility.

3. Get Everything Done before Bed

There is nothing more frustrating than going to bed and waking up knowing that you have an entire to do list you have to get done before you head to work.

To prevent this from happening, simply do these things before you go to bed. For example, set out your clothes and the kids' clothes the night before. Consider packing lunches the night before as well.

4. Shoes Off!

Your shoes track dirt, mud, and grass throughout your home and these things can leave stains on your carpet. But, don't forget that your shoes also have bacteria on them as well. To keep your carpets and floors clean, make it appoint that everyone takes their shoes off at the door and leaves them there.

To avoid having a large pile of shoes just sitting around, get a shoe rack and make sure that everyone places their shoes on it.

If you need help keeping up with your home's cleaning, give the professionals at Maid Complete a call today. We look forward to cleaning your Seattle home! Click here to learn more.

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