Cleaning The Important Places

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Are You Forgetting to Clean These Important Places?

When it comes time to clean your home, you are probably already exhausted from a long week at work. Instead of being excited about cleaning, it is more of a hassle and causes you stress. As you go through your home and clean, you may miss a spot or two and some of these spots are the most commonly missed among all households. Let's go through some of these spots so you know where to focus your cleaning next.

1. Coils on the Refrigerator

Wait! You didn't know the refrigerator had coils? Uh-oh! This is one of those commonly overlooked areas. The coils are known for collecting dust and when there is a buildup of dust and dirt, your refrigerator will not run as smoothly as it should.

You can easily use a vacuum to remove the dust and then wipe the coils down with a clean rag to get the remaining dust off.

2. Your Oven

Your oven is the center of all the action. Grease spills. Overcooked foods. Baked on messes. Although your oven may enjoy the action, you need to put some elbow grease into it and give it a good clean out. Leftover food that is allowed to sit in the oven can pose a health risk and become dangerous for you and your family.

Many homeowners forget to clean their ovens and every time you turn it on to cook, the stains and food become more permanent.

3. Interior of Your Dishwasher

When you think of the dishwasher, you automatically associate it with being clean because, after all, you wash your dishes in it, right? Wrong. Your dishwasher's inner parts need to be cleaned and sanitized on a regular basis to prevent mold, mildew, and grime from forming.

If you fail to clean this area, then you are simply spreading the dirt to your plates, cups, and silverware. Yuck!

4. Dryer Vent

Often, homeowners forget to clean out their dryer vents and this poses a big risk. If lint is allowed to gather and collect, you run the risk of a fire starting in your home. Take some extra time and simply clean the vent after you complete each load of laundry. Unclean dryer vents can also lead to increased allergens in the home.

Short on Time?

If you are short on time and are unable to do the cleaning yourself, hire the professionals at Maid Complete today. We specialize in residential cleanings throughout all of Seattle and will keep your home clean from top to bottom.

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